NZIPP Interview

NZIPP Interview

NZIPP profiles different members each month. I made the cut for February, and share the brief outline here.


NZIPP – the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography

This month we were lucky enough to chat with NZIPP Accredited professional photographer and Christchurch based NZIPP Grand Master Tony Stewart from Photoshots
📸Tell us about yourself….
Tony: Well, I live on the outskirts of Christchurch,  shooting a wide range of imagery about Canterbury.
📸How did you develop an interest in Professional Photography?
Tony: From my OE some years ago really. I loved the idea of taking photos all around the place but didn’t always know how I got something looking good, or why others didn’t work out! I left a career in teaching to retrain once back in NZ.
📸What type of Photography do you do most?
Tony: A lot of commercial & events these days mid week. Though weddings are still big at weekends.
📸Your best memory as a photographer?
Tony: Not one so much, rather many that come from meeting a wide range of fascinating people and having access to some pretty neat places not otherwise available to the public.
📸Do you spend a lot of time editing your work?
Tony: Umm, yes, and no. I think there is base post production that is inevitable for all photographers. I try not to overedit. Where I can, I do try and provide hours for staff, to take care of this side of things.
📸Is there any artist/photographer who inspired your art?
Tony: I do love the raw documentary nature, and social commentary of Sebastião Salgado. Not quite sure this has inspired my work directly as such.
📸What type of gear do you shoot with, and which one is your favourite?
Tony: I’m a Canon user through and through. It was the first camera that I got for my 21st birthday. I then bought a flash, then a lens, then another…. you know it goes!!
📸If you could go back 10 years, what advice would you give yourself?
Tony: Well, that was the time of Quakes here in Canterbury, so a broad folio with depth across several genres kept me in business during pretty trying times. So I’d say diversification has worked for me. Unless you are wanting to be a specialist in something that especially spins your dials, or have developed a very strong niche, having options is good.
📸What do you think is your biggest accomplishment?
Tony: Definitely becoming Grand Master. That was big for me and was not a certain accomplishment by any means. It was a big commitment that was the result of consistent effort and hard work.
📸What makes the good picture stand out from the average?
Tony: Good design, intrigue, connection, spot colour, composition…
📸What is in your Camera Bag?
Tony: As I get older, my ‘go to’ kit is getting slightly lighter – haha!
In essence, my everyday bag has a Canon R6 and R5, with 5DIV back up. I pack wide, mid and tele L series lenses. I take x2 on-camera flash, various filters, intervalometer, batteries, cards, meter and colour checker. Often in conjunction with a set of pocket wizards, Manfrotto tripod, and off camera flash.
📸Do you have a Bucket List for 2024?
Tony: Yes, there is one place especially I want to photograph overseas. I won’t say here in case I jinx it, but it will take some saving and some co-ordination for just how it might work out. It is a bit remote, and not a place many get to venture!
📸What 3 words describe your photography style?
Tony: Created naturally hopefully!
📸What are your other passions?
Tony: Cooking, gardening, skiing, travelling, outdoors, hunting, craft beer, & dining out.
📸Anything else you would like to add?
Tony: I’ve since worked out photography is like perpetually opening doors. One opens, and you think you have the answer. But then there is always another one in front to discover after that! There is always something to learn and discover. I love it.
📸Why did you join NZIPP?
Tony: Support when starting out for sure. Education about how to be a photographer through various seminars and conferences. Then I think that evolved to become more about awards. Now 20yrs+, while those things remain equally valid, I would say it is now more about good people and connections.
Some folk will be familiar with the In Pursuit of Giants adventures that we’ve created. That has been such a neat experience that wouldn’t have been possible without NZIPP camaraderie. It combines a lot of things that I enjoy – taking photos, having a laugh, getting outdoors, physical challenge, exploring new places,… (over the odd beer!).
Bride and father arrive at a wedding in sports car.